Cut by selected bytes
The cut utility allows you to cut text by selecting the bytes you want to extract from the string.
sam@asus:~/unix% echo "test" | cut -b 1 t sam@asus:~/unix% echo "test" | cut -b 1,2,3 tes
Cut by selected byte range
You can select a range of bytes to extract from a string using the ‘-’, which specifies a range rather than a single byte.
sam@asus:~/unix% echo "test" | cut -b 1-4 test sam@asus:~/unix% echo "test" | cut -b 1-2,3-4 test sam@asus:~/unix%
Cut by selecting characters
Selecting a character with the cut utility is performed with the ‘-c’ option. It extracts one or more characters from a string.
sam@asus:~/unix% echo "test" | cut -c 1 t sam@asus:~/unix% echo "test" | cut -c 1,2 te
Cut by selecting character range
Selecting a character range with the ‘-c’ is achieved like the ‘-b’ using the ‘-’ character to indicated a range of characters.
sam@asus:~/unix% echo "test" | cut -c 1-3 tes sam@asus:~/unix% echo "test" | cut -c 1-2,3-4 test sam@asus:~/unix%
Cut based on delimiter
Cut gives you the ability to split up a string based on a delimiter you specify. Using the ‘-d’ option along with the ‘-f’ option which tells cut which fields you wish to print on screen. Out data set contains names separated by ‘;’. By default cut separates the string based on the tab delimiter.
sam@asus:~/unix% cut -d ";" -f 1 sample2.txt Edan James Clinton Dean Dawn sam@asus:~/unix%
If you wanted to print the second field of the string delimiter by a ‘;’ you to do as so:
sam@asus:~/unix% cut -d ";" -f 2 sample2.txt Carney Quinn Wilkinson Graves Owen sam@asus:~/unix%
The ‘-d’ option can also cut multiple fields and print them them.
sam@asus:~/unix% cut -d "," -f 1,2 sample3.txt Edan,Carney James,Quinn Clinton,Wilkinson Dean,Graves Dawn,Owen sam@asus:~/unix%
or can print a range
sam@asus:~/unix% cut -d "," -f 1-3 sample3.txt Edan,Carney,Jerry James,Quinn,Bob Clinton,Wilkinson,Winston Dean,Graves,Carrey Dawn,Owen,Samatha sam@asus:~/unix%
Printing a different output delimiter
Cut gives you the ability to set a new output delimiter instead of using the input delimiter by default.
sam@asus:~/unix% cut -d "," -f 1,2 --output-delimiter='//' sample3.txt Edan//Carney James//Quinn Clinton//Wilkinson Dean//Graves Dawn//Owen sam@asus:~/unix%
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