Alot of times we will come upon anonymous ftp servers and would have to check out the permissions of the server to see if any vulnerabilities exist. This script helps automate the process by checking some of the key vulnerabilities that can come with an anonymous ftp server.
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Created on Tue Nov 10 23:45:32 2020 [] @author: Sam """ import os import sys import random import string from ftplib import FTP from pathlib import Path mkdir = [] writable_dirs = [] username = 'anonymous' password = 'anonymous@' banner = """ ########################### # AnonFTPCheck # ########################### """ def get_random_name(): letters = string.ascii_letters string_s = ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(8)) return string_s def write_test_file(filename): try: file = open(filename, "w") file.write("Hello, World!") file.close() return filename except: return None try: host = str(sys.argv[1]) except: print("*** [AnonFTPCheck] ***") print("Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " [ip-address]") sys.exit(1) print(banner) ftp = FTP(host) try: ftp.login(username, password) root_dir = ftp.pwd() print("[VERSION] " + ftp.getwelcome()) print("[CURRENT DIRECTORY] " + root_dir) print("[DIRECTORY LISTING] ->") print(ftp.retrlines('LIST')) except: print('[' + host + '] is not an anonymous FTP server...') sys.exit(1) directories = ftp.nlst() if not directories: print("*** FAILED: No directories found...") print("*** Skipping [WRITABLE DIRECTORY CHECK]...") else: print("[WRITABLE DIRECTORY CHECK]") test_file = write_test_file(get_random_name() + ".txt") for dir in directories: ftp.cwd(root_dir) ftp.cwd(dir) try: if test_file is None: print("*** FAILED: Could not create test file locally... Permissions Problem? Skipping [WRITABLE DIRECTORY CHECK]...") break else: fp = open(test_file, 'rb') ftp.storbinary('STOR %s' % os.path.basename(test_file), fp, 1024) fp.close() print("*** SUCCESS: Directory " + ftp.pwd() + " is writable! Test file " + ftp.pwd() + "/" + test_file + " wrote successfully!") writable_dirs.append(dir) except: continue print("[RENAME ACCESS CHECK]") for dir in writable_dirs: ftp.cwd(root_dir) ftp.cwd(dir) try: ftp.rename(test_file, '654321.jpg') print("*** SUCCESS: Renamed " + ftp.pwd() + "/" + test_file + " to 654321.jpg") except: print("*** FAILED: Unable to successfully rename file " + ftp.pwd() + "/" + test_file + " to 654321.jpg") print("[DELETE ACCESS CHECK]") for dir in writable_dirs: ftp.cwd(root_dir) ftp.cwd(dir) try: ftp.delete('654321.jpg') print("*** SUCCESS: Delete access for " + ftp.pwd() + "/654321.jpg permitted!") except: print("*** FAILED: Delete access for " + ftp.pwd() + "/654321.jpg not permitted...") print("[MKDIR ACCESS CHECK]") test_dir = get_random_name() for dir in directories: ftp.cwd(root_dir) ftp.cwd(dir) try: ftp.mkd(test_dir) mkdir.append(dir) print('*** SUCCESS: Created directory ' + ftp.pwd() + "/" + test_dir + '!' ) except: continue if not mkdir: print("*** FAILED: Could not any create directories...") print("*** Skipping [RMDIR ACCESS CHECK]...") else: print("[RMDIR ACCESS CHECK]") for dir in mkdir: ftp.cwd(root_dir) ftp.cwd(dir) try: ftp.rmd(test_dir) print("*** SUCCESS: Directory " + ftp.pwd() + "/" + test_dir + " successfully removed!") except: print("*** FAILED: Unable to remove " + ftp.pwd() + "/" + test_dir + "...") ftp.close() for p in Path(".").glob("*.txt"): p.unlink() print("[DONE]")
if we run the script we will get the following output.
C:\Users\Sam\Desktop\Code\anonftpcheck>python ########################### # AnonFTPCheck # ########################### [VERSION] 220 (vsFTPd 3.0.3) [CURRENT DIRECTORY] / [DIRECTORY LISTING] -> drwxr-xr-x 2 65534 65534 4096 Dec 17 14:05 bin drwxr-xr-x 2 65534 65534 4096 Dec 17 14:05 etc drwxrwxrwx 2 65534 65534 4096 Jan 07 03:22 incoming drwxr-xr-x 2 65534 65534 4096 Dec 17 14:06 lib drwxrwxrwx 2 65534 65534 4096 Jan 07 03:23 pub 226 Directory send OK. [WRITABLE DIRECTORY CHECK] *** SUCCESS: Directory /incoming is writable! Test file /incoming/Uhcszbbx.txt wrote successfully! *** SUCCESS: Directory /pub is writable! Test file /pub/Uhcszbbx.txt wrote successfully! [RENAME ACCESS CHECK] *** SUCCESS: Renamed /incoming/Uhcszbbx.txt to 654321.jpg *** SUCCESS: Renamed /pub/Uhcszbbx.txt to 654321.jpg [DELETE ACCESS CHECK] *** SUCCESS: Delete access for /incoming/654321.jpg permitted! *** SUCCESS: Delete access for /pub/654321.jpg permitted! [MKDIR ACCESS CHECK] *** SUCCESS: Created directory /incoming/ogHrROxg! *** SUCCESS: Created directory /pub/ogHrROxg! [RMDIR ACCESS CHECK] *** SUCCESS: Directory /incoming/ogHrROxg successfully removed! *** SUCCESS: Directory /pub/ogHrROxg successfully removed! [DONE] C:\Users\Sam\Desktop\Code\anonftpcheck>
This script will help in finding exploitable anonymous ftp servers and highlight the vulnerabilities that may exist.
how can i put in more than 1 hosts in it??
ReplyDeleteis there an option?