Creating a tar archive
To create an archive file from a file or list of files you would use the ‘-c’ and ‘-f’ options. The ‘-c’ option tell tar to create the archive, while the ‘-f’ tells tar what the resulting archive name should be and you will use this options with most of the other options you supply to tar.
tar -cf outputfile.tar file1 file2 file3...sam@asus:~/unix% tar -cf output.tar sam@asus:~/unix% ls -la output.tar -rw-rw-r-- 1 sam sam 5253120 Apr 4 10:07 output.tar sam@asus:~/unix%
With the tar command you can also archive whole directories and not just specific files. To compress a whole directory you would do the same as before except specify the directory instead of single files.
tar -cf outputfile.tar dir1 dir2 dir3...sam@asus:~/unix% tar -cf directory.tar docs/ sam@asus:~/unix% ls -l directory.tar -rw-rw-r-- 1 sam sam 10240 Apr 4 10:12 directory.tar sam@asus:~/unix%
Extracting from a tar archive
To extract file from a archive you would use the ‘-x’ option. This tells tar to extract all the files in the archive to the current directory. The ‘-v’ option tell tar to be verbose and output the file it is extracting to the directory.
tar -xvf file.tarsam@asus:~/unix% tar -xvf output.tar docs/ docs/ docs/file.txt sam@asus:~/unix%
Tar allows you to choose the directory where you want to extract the contents of the archive with the ‘-C’ option.
sam@asus:~/unix% mkdir test sam@asus:~/unix% tar -xf output.tar -C /home/sam/unix/test sam@asus:~/unix% ls -l /home/sam/unix/test total 5124 -rw-rw-r-- 1 sam sam 5242880 Jun 2 2008 drwxrwxr-- 2 sam sam 4096 Apr 1 19:20 docs sam@asus:~/unix%
Be sure and create the directory before extracting in to it. If you do not create the directory first you will get a ‘No such file or directory’ error.
Viewing the contents of a tar file
You can also view the contents of a tar archive without having to decompress the file by using the ‘-t’ option. The ‘-t’ option tells tar list all files in the archive for viewing.
tar -tf file.tarsam@asus:~/unix% tar -tf output.tar sam@asus:~/unix%
Append a new file to an archive
To append a new file to the end of the archive you would use the ‘-r’ option. The ‘-r’ option tells tar to append the listed file or directory to the END of the archive.
tar -rf file.tar file1 file2 file3...sam@asus:~/unix% tar -rf output.tar file1.txt sam@asus:~/unix% tar -tf output.tar file1.txt sam@asus:~/unix%
Delete a file from a archive
Deleting a file from a archive is done by using the ‘--delete’ option plus the file or directory to be removed.
tar -f file.tar --delete file.txtsam@asus:~/unix% tar -f output.tar --delete file1.txt sam@asus:~/unix% tar -tf output.tar sam@asus:~/unix%
Append a tar file to another tar file
Tar gives you the ability to append another tar file to the current tar archive with the ‘-A’ option. Tar does not appended the whole archive file itself, but the contents of the archive. The ‘directory.tar’ archive contained file from the docs/ directory.
tar -Af destination.tar source.tarsam@asus:~/unix% tar -Af output.tar directory.tar sam@asus:~/unix% tar -tf output.tar docs/ docs/ docs/file.txt sam@asus:~/unix%
Update newer files within the archive
You can update files within a tar archive with a newer version of the file by specifying the ‘-u’ option.
tar -uf file.tar file1 file2 file3...sam@asus:~/unix% echo "AAABBBCCC" >docs/file.txt sam@asus:~/unix% tar -uf output.tar docs/file.txt sam@asus:~/unix% tar -tf output.tar docs/ docs/ docs/file.txt docs/file1.txt sam@asus:~/unix%
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